Edited by Neff Walker and Ingrid Friberg
Volume 17 Supplement 4
The Lives Saved Tool in 2017: Updates, Applications, and Future Directions
Publication of this supplement was funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (JHU Grant 115621, Award Number OPP1084423 for the 鈥淒evelopment and Use of the Lives Saved Tool (LiST)鈥). Information about the source of funding for publication charges can be found in the individual articles. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. The Supplement Editors declare that they have no competing interests.
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):774
Using the missed opportunity tool as an application of the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) for intervention prioritization
The Missed Opportunity tool was developed as an application in the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) to allow users to quickly compare the relative impact of interventions. Global Financing Facility (GFF) investment cas...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):735 -
The impact of eliminating within-country inequality in health coverage on maternal and child mortality: a Lives Saved Tool analysis
Inequality in healthcare across population groups in low-income countries is a growing topic of interest in global health. The Lives Saved Tool (LiST), which uses health intervention coverage to model maternal...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):734 -
Lives Saved Tool (LiST) costing: a module to examine costs and prioritize interventions
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will require careful allocation of resources in order to achieve the highest impact. The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) has been used widely to calculate the impact of mate...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):782 -
Impact of malaria interventions on child mortality in endemic African settings: comparison and alignment between LiST and Spectrum-Malaria model
In malaria-endemic countries, malaria prevention and treatment are critical for child health. In the context of intervention scale-up and rapid changes in endemicity, projections of intervention impact and opt...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):781 -
The effects of family planning and other factors on fertility, abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirths in the Spectrum model
The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) estimates the effects of maternal and child health interventions on mortality rates and the number of deaths. The family planning module in Spectrum interacts with LiST by providing...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):775 -
Predicting high risk births with contraceptive prevalence and contraceptive method-mix in an ecologic analysis
Increased contraceptive use has been associated with a decrease in high parity births, births that occur close together in time, and births to very young or to older women. These types of births are also assoc...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):786 -
Modelling stillbirth mortality reduction with the Lives Saved Tool
The worldwide burden of stillbirths is large, with an estimated 2.6 million babies stillborn in 2015 including 1.3 million dying during labour. The Every Newborn Action Plan set a stillbirth target of 鈮12 per ...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):784 -
Linking household surveys and health facility assessments to estimate intervention coverage for the Lives Saved Tool (LiST)
Calls have been made for improved measurement of coverage for maternal, newborn and child health interventions. Recently, methods linking household and health facility surveys have been used to improve estimat...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):780 -
Modelling stunting in LiST: the effect of applying smoothing to linear growth data
The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) is a widely used resource for evidence-based decision-making regarding health program scale-up in low- and middle-income countries. LiST estimates the impact of specified changes in...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):778 -
Available studies fail to provide strong evidence of increased risk of diarrhea mortality due to measles in the period 4鈥26 weeks after measles rash onset
Measles vaccination effectiveness studies showed dramatic decreases in all-cause mortality in excess of what would be expected from the prevention of measles disease alone. This invited speculation that measle...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):783 -
Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions for acute childhood diarrhea: a systematic review to provide estimates for the Lives Saved Tool
In the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era, there is growing recognition of the responsibilities of non-health sectors in improving the health of children. Interventions to improve access to clean water, ...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):776 -
Effects of deworming on child and maternal health: a literature review and meta-analysis
Soil-transmitted helminth infections are widespread. Many studies have been published on the topic of deworming. The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) is a software package that uses a deterministic mathematical model to e...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):830 -
A method for estimating maternal and newborn lives saved from health-related investments funded by the UK government Department for International Development using the Lives Saved Tool
In 2010, the UK Government Department for International Development (DFID) committed through its 'Framework for results for reproductive, maternal and newborn health (RMNH)' to save 50,000 maternal lives and 2...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):779 -
Using the Lives Saved Tool to aid country planning in meeting mortality targets: a case study from Mali
Mali is one of four countries implementing a National Evaluation Platform (NEP) to build local capacity to answer evaluation questions for maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition (MNCH&N). In 2014-15, NE...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):777 -
How is the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) used in the global health community? Results of a mixed-methods LiST user study
The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) is a computer-based model that estimates the impact of scaling up key interventions to improve maternal, newborn and child health. Initially developed to inform the Lancet Child Surviv...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):773 -
All things to all people: trade-offs in pursuit of an ideal modeling tool for maternal and child health
Modeling tools have potential to aid decision making for program planning and evaluation at all levels, but are still largely the domain of technical experts, consultants, and global-level staff. One model tha...
Citation: 成人头条 2017 17(Suppl 4):785
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